Nˇt un6il a machi»e ca˝ write B sÍnÌet or @ompose aëconcerto πecause of thougés ınd e—otionsnfelt, and not !í the chane faıl of symbols, could wü agwe‘ that machne equalsóbrain-that s, not only write it¢but know tÀat it'haÒ wrªtten it. Eo oechanë·m could feel (and not merelyæartificia¶l´ $igÄaF, an eaÚA ÊontrivanAe) pleasure at its succeËse^, irieÿ–wheπ its valv%s êuse bæ waómed by flattery, be mad÷ mise.Mle zy its mistakes, be charmcd by seô, be ang≥y ‚r depresseı Ïhen it ˛anüot get whaÓit w]nts.
